Meditation and Self-Care
Meditation can play a major role in our self-care, as well as personal and spiritual growth. It is a simple process that can have immediate results. People often think that the process of meditation is very detailed and convoluted, however, the steps can be quite simple to begin. I encourage my clients to begin small, and create a method that works best for you.
There are a number of different ways to incorporate meditation into your lifestyle. Anyone can practice it, it’s very simple, inexpensive and can be done anywhere.
Determine the time of day you want to meditate and make an effort to stick to it. In the morning, it can set the tone for your level of calmness and vitality. Or, in the evening, as previously mentioned, it can lower the stress of the day. You can also meditate in the middle of the day, at the office, while running errands, etc. Believe it or not, the bathroom is a great place to have a meditative moment or if you can sit in your car (always be mindful of your surroundings). Some offices have quiet areas incorporated or you can use an empty conference room or office for a few moments.
If you’re able to create a quiet space, away from distractions, that is ideal. It doesn’t have to be a large space, you really just need a small area. It can be a small corner of your bedroom with a chair, a mat or a pillow (whatever works for you) or any space in your home that will help you create the desired space.
Generally it’s a good idea to sit in an upright position, to allow the body’s circulation and energy to flow freely. You want to be comfortable, not to the point of sleeping, but just relaxed.
In meditation it is important to focus on the breath to relax the mind and cleans your thoughts. You can sit in silence (which can also be healing) or play soft music that helps you create a sense of focus and calmness.
Determine the length of time that works for you. I encourage you to start with 5-10 minutes and if you feel compelled, increase the time as desired. Most importantly, meditation should be something you enjoy, so find joy in the process and reap the benefits that come with it.